Letter To a


by Sheila (30-B-2) FPE

Dear Mrs. M.:

This is written in the hope that it will find you sufficiently open-minded to face a few cold, hard facts about transvestism. If, however, you feel that anyone who does not agree 100% with you is automatically disqualified, please stop reading right now as you will be wasting your time. The facts are these:

1- Transvestism is not a disease. You apparently feel qualified to diagnose and pass judgement on those who are "sick" and those who are not. I do not know what your basis for this qualification is, and so cannot question it, but would like to point out that many eminent and impartial medical author- ities have reached quite a different conclusion

from yours. In the past, Drs. C. G. Jung, Havelock Ellis, W. S. Pugh (and the non-medical Alfred Kinsey) have studied this subject: their findings are at present being confirmed by Drs. Money (John Hopkins) Stoller (UCLA), Benjamin (New York) and others. Briefly, they have learned that every man contains a feminine component which is expressed in one way or another. Some men do this quietly as part of their daily life; others fight and repress it with more or less internal upsets as the result; the transvestite must give it expression in the